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Driving towards sustainability: The rise of electric and hybrid cars

By Craig Perry, 22nd November 2023

Category: Electric vehicle

In a significant trend towards sustainability, almost one in five motorists (18%) are contemplating the switch to electric or hybrid cars within the next 12 months, according to our recent survey. The desire for a cleaner, electrified future is particularly prominent in London, where as many as 31% are considering the transition to eco-friendly vehicles.

This enthusiasm for electric and hybrid cars persists even after the UK government's decision to extend the ban on new petrol and diesel cars to 2035. Our findings revealed that 60% of respondents support this delay.

However, there's a clear generation gap in opinion, with 69% of individuals aged 65 and over in favour of the delay compared to 51% of those aged between 18 and 34. This disparity is further emphasised by 28% of the younger age group viewing the delay as a backward step, compared to only 16% of those aged 65 and over.

Interestingly, the impending ban on petrol and diesel cars was not the primary motivation for the 10% of motorists who switched to electric or hybrid models last year. Only 13% cited the ban as their main reason for the environmentally conscious purchase. This suggests that the shift towards cleaner fuel options is largely driven by personal conviction rather than legislative pressure.

Despite the initial higher costs associated with electric cars, 85% of owners who have already made the switch claim to have seen a reduction in their annual motoring costs. Of these, 31% describe the savings as substantial, while 54% report slight savings.

We believe these findings are encouraging and point to a genuine desire among consumers to reduce their individual environmental impact through lifestyle and purchasing choices. It’s this consumer-driven push towards eco-friendly practices that has shaped our newly launched car insurance policies, which are designed to reward individuals for positive adjustments in the way they drive and use their cars in an environmentally responsible manner.

We hope that a commitment by ourselves and other organisations to incentivise eco-friendly practices will help steer a broader cultural shift towards sustainability, proving that consumer choices can play a pivotal role in guiding our collective future in a more environmentally friendly direction.