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Navigating rising car insurance costs while making a difference

By Paul Baxter, 27th March 2024

Category: Car insurance

Are you feeling the pinch of rising car insurance premiums? You're not alone. According to our new research, three in five motorists are worried that soaring insurance costs could force them to reconsider their reliance on driving or even give up their car altogether. For nearly one in three drivers who've already stopped driving in the past two years, the cost of insurance was a key factor in their decision.

Nearly one in three (32%) drivers who say they have given up driving in the past two years cite the cost of insurance as one of the reasons. Other motives include the cost of fuel (41%); the general cost of driving including tax and maintenance (32%); health reasons, or wanting to walk or cycle more (14%) and concerns about the environment (9%).

Motorists have taken various measures to try and reduce their increasing car insurance premiums including shopping around more for other quotes (50%); cutting down on their annual mileage (25%); calling their existing insurer to ask for a reduction or threatening to leave (15%) and increasing the excess on their policy (13%).

Escalating insurance premiums are a huge worry for many drivers who depend on their car to get around, which is why we are trying to address these concerns by negotiating special deals with insurers to offer environmentally conscious drivers affordable insurance options that align with their values.

Our policies are linked to a mobile app that monitors driving habits, thereby rewarding fuel-efficient behaviour with discounts and rewards. Plus, every mile driven with us is offset through carbon offset projects, ensuring that journeys behind the wheel leave a positive impact on the environment.

Although customers are looking for the best deal, we know that they want to be reassured that if they do need to make a claim they will still experience exceptional customer service. When you reach out to us, you'll speak with real humans based right here in the UK, not automated bots or overseas call centres. We're dedicated to making your experience with us as seamless and stress-free as possible.

And the perks don't stop there. We've partnered with over 70 companies to offer rewards and discounts, including major supermarkets, retailers, and restaurants. From groceries to eco-friendly products, our partnerships ensure that you save on your everyday purchases while supporting sustainable initiatives.